زراعة الأسنان

ما هي حلول زراعة الأسنان
Dental Implants are the best solution for missing teeth.
And even though Dental implants is truly a simple procedure many avoid it out of fear neglecting the side effects that occur after losing a tooth and as days pass the side effects begin to appear such as:
1- Deficiency in digestion
2- Bad Breath
3- Several Stomach And Intestine Diseases
4- Negative Impact On Your Jaw's Bones
5- Negative Impact On The Surrounding Teeth And Could Cause It To Lose Your Surrounding Teeth As Well
That's Why If You Lost One Of Your Teeth We Highly Recommend You To BOOK Your Dental Implants Session Right Away.
And We Assure You That In Bright Smile Dental Center You'll Get The Best Results Using The Best Dental Implants With The Best Consultants In Dentistry Field.
طبيب زراعة الأسنان في مركزنا

أ.د/وليد عباس
استشاري زراعة الأسنان وجراحات علاج وتجميل اللثة أستاذ اللثة و زراعة الاسنان جامعة عين شمس و جامعة المستقبل

أ.د/ مصطفي الجيوشي
Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Dental Implantologist


